Nanotechnology, perhaps you’ve heard the term in many places, but what in the world is this new technology? The nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter (A matter is any object that has a mass and occupies a space) to make it do what we want it do at the molecular or what scientists call it, at the nano scale. One nanometer equals one billion of a meter. Just to give you an idea of how small a nanometer can be well an ant is about 5 million nm long, a red blood cell is 7500nm, a DNA is 2nm long another example is that if you take a single hair from your head you notice how it is very thin, well it if you take something which is a 100000 times thinner than that, that's a nanometer. So nanotechnology is really something which is extremely small.
This information is based on " oknano.com" & "kqed.org/quest"
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